sobota, 30 lipca 2011

Maria Kanellis : "Teraz jest Era Punk'a"

Była Diva WWE Maria Kanellis w ostatnio udzielonym wywiadzie dla Monday Night Mayhem skomentowała obecną sytuację w WWE a właściwie Storyline z CM Punk'iem.
I think he’s in sync with wrestling fans. I think he’s in sync with the country. I think it’s a very smart move on what’s doing right now. I have a lot of respect for the guy. I have a lot of respect for his ability in the ring. I think CM Punk is a hell of an in-ring performer. If they let him go and go on his own, they might find out that he’s a hell of a talker. Let it go back to being an extension of your own personality. I think that would be a positive for their company.
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