Na RAW SuperShow Michael Cole zapytał fanów WWE kto bardziej zasługuje na przydomek "best in the world". W ciągu kilku minut #bestintheworld stało się trendem nr. 1 na twitterze. Oto co powiedzieli niektórzy użytkownicy twittera.
Drużyna CM Punka:
@WNSource #bestintheworld CM Punk. I don’t need a reason. His talking and wrestling are 10x everyone elses.
@U_Cant_See_This Punk is #BestInTheWorld because he doesn’t have to jump people from behind to win! @wwe #raw
@LisaMarie742 Catching up on @WWE #Raw I love @CMPunk! #BestInTheWorld #CMPunk
@DaRealBam @CMPunk best pure wrestler in the business today and not afraid to use the pipebomb. My fave handsdown. #bestintheworld
@kev1232thomas #bestintheworld I think cm punk because he is the wwe champion he last through the elimination chamber and is the best in the world
@justinparker77 @WWE I think cm punk #BestInTheWorld
@FAkinyemi I think @CMPunk is the best in the world, I mean he is amazing at what he does and he always stand up for his rights #Bestintheworld
@FaceAli15 @CMPunk when is your DVD coming out! #BestInTheWorld
@SPattyP @iamjericho NEVER legally pinned @CMPunk … #TDGardenScewJob … @CMPunk is still #BestintheWorld
@d_karaoulis #bestintheworld is @CMPunk, @IAmJericho was. Past tense, not any more
@D_Mansbridge @CMPunk is the #BestInTheWorld because he can & does go out there nightly, with no lite-bright jackets & no pyros & WRESTLES to prove it.
@JesseHelsius @IAmJericho I’m pretty sure you weren’t the legal man in that match. So, if anything, you robbed the real #BestInTheWorld @CMPunk
Drużyna Chrisa Jericho:
@Youngy54_ Chris Jericho – #bestintheworld. Sorry Punk, but I was a Jericho fan long before I was a Punk one.
@MizfitKrista Can’t wait til WM when Jericho becomes the WWE Chamion#BESTINTHEWORLD
@Celalsahin__ #bestintheworld is chris jericho because he is so experience in the ring
@sheriff720 #bestintheworld jericho
@_bode_2020 @IAmJericho you #bestintheworld
@21Sullins @iamjerico is the #bestintheworld because if you watch his dvd you will know, all across the world to learn different types of wrestling!!!
@NazAQW @IAmJericho The Jerichoholics still support your claim to #bestintheworld =D
@adeeeeeeb Miami @IAmJericho will not only win the WWE title but he will prove that he is #BestInTheWorld #BestIn EverythingWhatHeDoes #AttitudeEra
@john84myers Would quite like @IAmJericho to win at Mania, just so he’d hopefully stick Christmas lights on the title to match his jacket #BestInTheWorld
@inniisoutie Chris Jericho, but Punk is good too. #BestInTheWorld
@stevie_58 Jericho, why? Because I said so. #bestintheworld
@ZachFernandez95 #BestInTheWorld is obviously Chris Jericho. I mean come on people, he’s way more experienced than CM Punk.
@Cody_TM #BestInTheWorld Y2J because he is the first ever undisputed champ and a 9 time intercontinental champ. Y2J FTW!!
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#BestInTheWorld Y2J Chris Jericho